COVID-19 Has Crystallized the Need for Effective Diagnostics at the Point-of-Need
COVID-19 Has Crystallized the Need for Effective Diagnostics at the Point-of-Need
COVID-19 Has Crystallized the Need for Effective Diagnostics at the Point-of-Need
COVID-19 Has Crystallized the Need for Effective Diagnostics at the Point-of-Need
COVID-19 Has Crystallized the Need for Effective Diagnostics at the Point-of-Need
The Testing Imperative*
Rapid diagnostics of people infected with SARS–CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19, is central to control the global pandemic that erupted in late 2019. Several countries have used massive-scale testing as a cornerstone of their successful containment strategies. In contrast, the United States, hampered by limited testing capacity, has prioritized testing for specific groups of individuals and has struggled to break transmission chains and effectively contain the virus in several instances.
SARS-CoV-2 Diagnostics
Multiplexed Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Structural Proteins
Current Testing Methods and Gaps
Real-Time Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) tests performed in a laboratory on respiratory specimens are the reference standard for COVID-19 diagnostics, showing high sensitivity and specificity. However, the method is complex to use, slow to deliver results, susceptible to sample collection errors, and not suitable for use in a low-resource environment. Other attempts have emerged at offering point-of-care technologies and serologic immunoassays, but these lack the sensitivity and specificity required to provide a definitive solution.
Although tools exist for the diagnosis of symptomatic patients in well-equipped laboratories, notable gaps remain in screening asymptomatic people in the incubation phase. The same goes for the accurate determination of live viral shedding during convalescence to inform decisions to end isolation. Many affluent countries have encountered challenges in test delivery and specimen collection that have inhibited rapid increases in their testing capacity. These challenges could be even more significant in low resource settings.
*Matthew P. Cheng et al., Diagnostic Testing for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome–Related Coronavirus-2, A Narrative Review, Annals of Internal Medicine, April 13, 2020.
Q-SENS Brings Multiplexed, Sensitive Antigen Testing to the Point-of-Care
Our technology combines the performance of central-lab analyzers with a highly multiplexed panel at the Point of Care, thus making antigen testing an excellent solution for monitoring outbreaks such as COVID-19.
Evidence shows the ability to detect Coronavirus antigen (e.g. Nucleocapsid protein) of SARS-CoV-2 in multiple body fluids within a couple of days of onset of symptoms. While it may not be as sensitive as RT-PCR, from a public-health point of view, the benefits due to the much shorter time-to-results, make it a better choice.
Multiplexing can significantly improve specificity by including all four SARS-CoV-2 structural proteins (S, N, M & E) as well as antigen tests for other strains of Coronavirus, thus eliminating false positives. In addition, multiple positive and negative controls can eliminate erroneous results.
Quantitative vs. Qualitative Results
Quantification of the viral proteins, when running multiple/daily tests, can provide clinicians with crucially useful information on the progression of the disease. It can also assist in deciding to end patients' isolation once the viral proteins drop below the level of detection and remain there for a predefined period.
At the Point of Use / Home
Having a connected system at the Point-of-Need (transportation hubs, schools, workplaces, or peoples' homes), combined with ease of use that allows for self-administration of the test, will give physicians the option of keeping some patients quarantined in their homes rather than hospitalize them. These capabilities will allow for minimizing the risk for healthcare workers and other hospitalized patients.